Google News is the biggest aggregator and distributor of news content on the planet. The vast majority of the world’s largest news publishers are officially designated as Google News sources.

Being an approved Google News source makes a publication’s news articles eligible to appear in the News portal. It also allows articles to appear in the “news block” on standard search result pages. Last year Google said they were getting 10 million views per week at the news portal. There are many more views than that of the normal search results pages.

A serious news publisher must be in Google News to be competitive. Small websites that are included in Google News can outperform large websites that are not included.

We have been managing news sites of our own and those of our clients for five years. In that time we have published articles for approximately 12 sites, in all the major news categories.

That is the good news. The bad news is that in April 2015 Google made a significant change in their News ranking algorithm that has resulted in far less traffic for smaller publishers. Many small news sites saw their traffic drop between 40 and 60%. As a result, unless you have other goals in mind for your news site than strictly revenue, getting into the news business is probably not as good of an alternative as other categories of websites.

Many students of my Google News Mastery program have also gone on to have their own publications accepted into Google News. Please contact me via the Contact Us page if you are interested in learning more about Google News.

Specialties: Google News acceptance, News site monetization, News writers and news website sales and purchases.